How to Find Your Niche

Having a specific niche is one of those things that for awhile you hear over and over again and at the beginning of your journey you wonder - “HOW do I choose?! I want to help everyone.”

And I get it, you’ve got a big heart and you could help everyone but…

If you’re talking to everyone, no one is going to hear you.

The internet is a vast place with all sorts of folks doing some version of what you do which is the main reason why having a niche will help you differentiate yourself. When you have niche and you’re speaking to your ideal client, they’ll know you understand them and that YOU (and no one else) are the one to work with.

step one

Consider your passion and interests.

Your business is how you’ll be spending the majority of your time from here forth so make it something that will feel like FUN and have it be something that you deeply care about.

Brainstorm all of your interest, passions, hobbies, and skills to begin the niching process.

How can you infuse your passions and interest into your business model and/or process?

step two

Explore previous experience.

Every step along your journey informs where you are now, especially when it comes to living your dharma and having your own business. What experience (whether professional or personal) has inspired you to take this step and create a brand around your purpose? That experience is sure to help you find your niche whether it pertains to who you serve or what you support your people with.

I’ve often heard it said that your ideal client is a former version of you and while I don’t think this is true for every business, it certainly can be! Does that ring true for you?

What part of your lived experience is inspiring you to start your business?

If you’ve already been in business for awhile, who have been some of your favorite clients to work with? Consider making that your niche, how does that land for you?

step Three

Pick your direction and then see if there’s a market for it.

Now that you’ve considered interests and experience, it’s time to pick a direction and then see if there’s a market for it.

My hunch is that if the dream is in you then it will work but it’s always good to ensure that there’s folks who want to buy what you’re about to serve up!

I recommend doing a little bit of research and gathering insights.

If you’re on social media, ask your community for feedback about your idea using polls, questions and surveys to see if your people are looking for what you’re serving up. This type of content is highly engaging for people and they’ll love telling you what they think.

You can also examine keywords folks are searching for online using the Keywords Everywhere Google Chrome extension (one of my favorites for SEO). This tool will allow you to see some other words and phrases that are related to what you’re searching in Google so you can get a feel for what people are needing help with.

step Four

Identify your services and speak to the transformation.

After you’ve determined that the path forward is a viable option for you and there’s a market ready for your services, now it’s time to get super clear about your offerings.

How are you going to create a change and transformation for your clients? What is the process you’ll take them through?

As you’re marketing your services it’s important to speak to that transformation. Start by illustrating how they’re feeling now that’s causing them to seek your support (this will show you understand them) and then explain how will they’ll feel after your work is complete (what do they want as it relates to what you offer.)

Speaking to the transformation you offer is one of the steps in my 7-step Authentic Branding Method. Fill out the form below to receive your copy and get clear on your vision…

Create a clear vision for your brand

Step Five

Test it out, gather feedback.

Now that you have your niche - you’ve identified who your ideal client is, what you’ll be offering to them and how you facilitate the transformation they’re looking for - it’s time to test it out, serve some folks and gather feedback about your process.

Gathering feedback is going to help so much as you continue refining your process and marketing your services!

My intention with these steps is to help you carve our a unique path that illustrates your point of difference as a brand. If you’re looking for more support or feedback about what you’ve uncovered then let’s hop on a call to chat about what you’re cooking up!

Cassandra Neece

Cass is the CEO and Creative Director at The Dharma Collective.

How to Identify Your Brand Values


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