8 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your Website

We’ve all been there. 

That moment when you get so excited to launch your website, your mom says “Congrats honey!” and then…*crickets*. 

If you’re about to launch your website and want to celebrate your success or are looking to get more traffic to your website, these tips are for you!


Send an email to your community.

If you’ve got a business, an email list is fundamental. If you’re just starting out, an email list could simply be a list of friends and family. Using your email list or close contacts, write them a note letting them know about your website and recommend that they share it with people in their network who might be interested in what you offer. Include a call to action in your email that brings the reader over to your website.


Share on social media

Celebrate your work by posting about your new website on social media. Use your personal pages if you don’t have a business page yet as your community wants to know what you’re up to and virtual cheers to this milestone! Don’t be shy to spread the word about your business - it deserves to be celebrated.


Provide a free gift.

This one is great for launching and then continuing to drive traffic to your website long term. Share a free gift (after they sign up with their email) that shows them a taste of what you offer and helps them with something they're struggling with.


Ask collaborators to share your website

If you worked with anyone on your website (branding expert, website designer, copywriter, etc.) ask them if they’d like to share about you on their social media platform(s) or an upcoming email. People want to support you, let them!


Host a giveaway

Folks love free stuff so use that to your advantage! Have them sign up for the giveaway by going to your website and opting in for something or posting on social media about you. Then draw one winner and give them one of your lower-cost offerings for free. The exposure and visibility will be well worth it.


Write a blog

Add content to your website and showcase your expertise by writing a blog and answering a question that you get asked a lot or something that would be helpful to your audience. I recommend including a call to action at the bottom of that blog post (scroll down to see mine.) Then share that blog via email or social media to bring people over to your website.


Promote a new service or offering

No one knows what you do unless you tell them - plain and simple. Promote your offerings (new or old) on social media and/or in an email to your list. Make sure to express the transformation and change someone will experience by purchasing your offer. Direct them to your website to learn more and contact you.


Include keywords for SEO

This tip is a bit more advanced but is a critical step when creating a website that’s often overlooked. Having keywords (what your clients are searching for) in the right places on your website will help you get organic traffic to your website long term. These keywords (short and long) can also be used for blog posts as well.

Most of these tips are great for quick hits but if you want to keep folks coming back for more then it’s important to create a sustainable marketing plan for yourself where you’re sharing your expertise consistently. This could be in the form of a blog post, published articles, podcast interviews, social media posts or a combination of things. 

Repurpose your content as much as possible across email, social media and your website and make the goals you set attainable for yourself. 

If you’re looking for support driving more traffic to your website, then reach out to me for a discovery call! I’d love to chat with you about where your website is now and how we can make sure you’re set up to thrive in the digital landscape and beyond.

Cassandra Neece

Cass is the CEO and Creative Director at The Dharma Collective.


6 Steps to Celebrate Your Website Launch


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